1 min read

Sweden is home to Europe’s largest tech companies and its capital is second only to Silicon Valley when it comes to the number of “unicorns” that it produces per capita.
But how did it get there?
Here are 5 of the main reasons:

High Trust
Trust is deeply rooted in the culture – organisations tend to allow employees flexibility in what they do at work, which can spark new ideas.

Go Global Mindset
Start-ups often plan to sell internationally from the outset, which makes them more attractive to venture capitalists and fundable.

Cutting corporate tax rates has helped to stimulate entrepreneurship.

Job Creation 
Swedish companies that survive for at least three years create 5 new jobs for every existing 100 jobs in the economy.

Success Breeds Success
More than 50 people have existed startups in Sweden with more than 100 Mio€ each. This has created a surge in angel investing and serial entrepreneurs with experience of growing in startups which are critical to an ecosystem.